A group of hyenas and jackals eating a wildebeest that was killedlast night |
 A few lions from a large pride that we saw today |
 Can you spot the lions in this picture? We counted 17 in all. This picture gives an idea of how hard the spotting can be when the animals are a distance, but our guide Nassibu picks them out immediately. |
 Our first sighting of a hippo out of water. It was cool this morning, so we were able to find several hippos on land. |
 Our first sighting of a hippo out of water. It was cool this morning, so we were able to find several hippos on land. |
 We love taking ostrich pictures! |
 We spotted this elephant at a distance, and Nassibu suggested that we wait - he was confident that the elephant would cross the road giving us a close view. He was right! |
 He's getting a little closer, but it's still not clear to us that he's headed to the road (in our direction). |
 David wasn't too confident either, so he took this shot through the binoculars. Not bad! |
 Things are looking pretty good! |