The reservoir behind the cabin that we stayed in at the DeZeekoe guest house in OUdtshoorn. |
 The cabin we stayed in at the DeZeekoe guest house. |
 The DeZeekoe ostrich farm. |
 It's still hard for us to get used to us seeing ostriches grazing on a farm just like cattle... |
 This is one of the main "show ostriches" at the Safari Ostrich Farm. He's been named "Jack the Ripper" because of his aggressive tendencies... We kept our distance. |
 Underneath one of Jack's wings... |
 This is "Susie the Stripper", so named because of her habit of pecking at your clothes... |
 These are real ostrich eggs! They're strong enough to stand on. |
 Here is Susie showing how she got her name. |